Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Madama ButterFly Barbie Style

So I noticed this post wasn't up so I am going to remake it slightly better. Let's see now... on that day we watched Opera and I made about 3-5 doodles. May sound mean, but it the only way for me to actually pay attention. If your curious of my doodles as some of my other professors are *cough* Chris *cough* you may look at them at www.little-raid.deviantart.com

Anyway, yes we have watched countless versions of operas. Now I appericated of all the work, such as the background designs, the effort of the singers, and all the stunts, but I am not much of an opera person. I prefer techno than classical. However, watching Madama Butterfly was pretty interesting. The music is in sync with the  story and setting the mood. I didn't watch the actual opera, but rather an animation. The emotions was raw and used different symbols of warning or a precursor, especially the butterfly itself. In Japanese culture they are known as the messenger butterfly, so the fact the butterfly flown around her in the beginning and the ending was quite appropriate. Though I know they did this on purpose, my fav part of the film is how they made the typical American by using a barbie doll style while the Geishan is made up by clay like material with stitching on their clothes.
Those who havn't seen the animation here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E387c5RAhK4

Over all, I prefer Broadway such as Phantom of the Opera or West Side Story, but who knows. The way this class is going I might enjoy the show of opera.... but then again.... after watching over 2 hours opera I had enough of it for the rest of the year.

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