Saturday, February 19, 2011

War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast

Good old days before the common people used television and used radio for their information source. Unlike tv where the images is already on the screen, the radio causes people to use their imagination to understand somewhat of the situation. In the radio broadcast of War of the Worlds they have used the people and sound effects of what would be considered the horrific yet hilarious(in today's standards) event in radio history.

It started off on talking about Mars and the possibilities of other light force as they started to talk to an expert that there are no other life force outside of Earth. Eventually they mentioned a meteor fell near the station of the broadcast and went to investigate it. Giving descriptions of the objects and people, the audience could easily hear sound effects and the broadcaster until the signal has been cut and another broadcast continued on behalf because of the explosions.

This broadcast caused a massive panic as people would litterally jump off buildings, believing the planet has been invaded and killing everyone. However, just reporting this event didn't make it succussful, so what did?

The radio station clearly prepared an event to remember. During through the entire event they have used sound effects that were explosions or something unfamiliar, something unearthly like sounds. The broadcasters described the dead bodies in complete detail on how they died, what they looked after being burned alive, and describing what the alien was trying to do. What made it more believable was the was the broadcast fizzed back on forth as if the aliens were destroying the frequency of the broadcast and had high ranked officers (such as a general) mentioning the invasion and planning on to start a war.

However, despite the sound effects and the live news cast, listening to this again, I think the broadcast was too perfect. I mean I know the radio was meant for up to date news/information over the country, but you think people would catch on esp when the general came 20 seconds right after the attack with a full speech and what tactics they would use against the invasion. This also includes some of the events that happened a bit quicker than it was suppose to, but then again I suppose most of the people were in a mass panic to notice. Not to mention they told people to evacuate the city as the bell rang.

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