Sunday, February 20, 2011

Watson + Jeopardy = Win!

Santi I know you hate wiki, but considering this is a blog and we can  express or type whatever we want you can make an acceptance just this once X3

Anyway I have not watched Jeopardy when Watson was on I was impressed by the article Santi forced us to read and skimming through wiki to get rid of part of my dyslexia. Watson was practically a 15 terra bytes (omg do want!) of knowledge and he competed without internet. Though I find it interesting that the people could buzz in at the half way of the answer while Watson had to wait for the answer to be completed otherwise it hesitates to answer. Whenever Watson feels hesitation it's as if he wanted the other two to answer the question, because it still wanted to show his superiority. Also it was funny when Watson would get the short answers wrong because they were not too specific. For example he answered w/ a Candian city where the other two competitors knew the answer was an American city.

It would interesting to see Watson a bit more fixed and accurate because if he gets fixed it would easier to analysis computer problems whether hardware or software. I mean sure it does seem to be getting to the point where computers could outsmart humans, but a computer can be smart as it was programed to do. Even with 15 terra bytes worth of information in his memory, if not upgraded while keeping some of the older facts in place Watson could easily be outclassed. Still find it interesting that he would have a conscience of having confidence about answering questions correctly or not. Similar to a school child who is use to getting A's on everything but then becomes nervous on a topic they are unfamiliar with. In a way I can't wait to see the improvements. Some people maybe afraid, but as human beings we have to keep going because of being such curious creatures.

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